
Milfsexdoll.com: Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, the doll is worth the investment. For years I saved up for an expensive doll, and then I noticed the prices were coming down, so I decided perhaps I didn’t need to go broke buying something for myself. I shopped around for a long time and still wasn’t happy with what I was finding until I found this site. Now I have the sex doll of my dreams, very realistic, and my biggest problem is simply figuring out where to put her when I’m not using her.

How’s your experience with Gorgeoussexdoll.com?

Yes, it’s wonderful experience with this site. This is a fine doll for the discerning gentlemen on a budget. A few finer touches to add, but nothing major. She’s like a decent wine that could be better but is nonetheless very delicious. Leave the bottle, my good man, as I’ll be making love to it. Wait, that didn’t sound right… I like to grab her hair and be rough with her. It is just right.

Is Realsexlovedoll.com recommended?

Yes, I would recommend this site! My best friend bought me this for a gift. I think he thought it was partly funny but we have known each other for twenty years and he has always been after me to date more or find a woman. I think he finally realized I wasn’t interested in finding someone, so he bought me this. Expensive gift but he is a good friend. Now I think he is maybe going to buy one of his own because these are so sexy and fun.

Real Customer Review – Milfsexdoll.com

Yes, so perfect! 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5! All day long! TLDR: I bought a doll and I like it. The full version of my story: I have had a love-hate relationship with sex dolls for a long time. I have always enjoyed my sex life alone, because I don’t believe I need the influence of a “real” woman in my life. But as most of us know there is no real substitute for the female body. My earliest sex dolls were inflatable and they were not very good. This is much better.

How’s your experience with Milfsexdoll.com?

Yes, no better seller out there. I have a confession to make. This is not the first sex doll I have bought. A few years ago, I spent a lot of money, like a small fortune, buying a quality synthetic love doll. I have no complaints about that purchase, although it’s been long enough now that she needs to be sent in for joint repairs and other adjustments unless I decide to just be done with her.

How’s your experience with Bestlovesexdoll.com?

Yes, very pleased with my purchase. I am a woman who is in a happy relationship. My boyfriend has always wanted to try a threesome and over the years. The problem is that there was always the chance this would create complicated personal problems, so we held off. Finally, he suggested buying a sex doll, and I agreed. Now we get the experience of a threesome without the people problems that come with it. I have to say, watching my boyfriend do the doll, then do me, is every bit as hot as I always pictured having a threesome would be… but I don’t have to be jealous of the doll.

Real Customer Review – Bestlovesexdoll.com

Yes, I am so attached to my doll that I have even started taking her on long trips with me. I do a lot of travel for work, and that’s one of the reasons I started shopping at this site. When you spend as much time on the road as I do, you don’t have a lot of time to meet someone or to form meaningful relationships. There were times when I really wanted to feel someone close, physically, and I was tired of ending up my road trips with hotel porn. So I went for sex dolls.

Is Cherrypiesexdoll.com recommended?

Yes, they are recommended. I like to take pictures of me having sex with the doll. From certain angles my friends can’t tell that they’re not real. They think I’m the kinkiest bastard on the block and that’s how I like it. I considered returning my doll, but I’m not going to lie. This isn’t exactly what I expected. I thought she would be a little bit bigger as I had hoped she might. Still, she’s pretty good, and she feels good when I use her.

Bestlovesexdoll.com: Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, I bought this on sale and am absolutely blown away by what a deal I got. This doll is easily worth three times what I paid for it! Don’t know how I’d ever pull off a similar deal. Incredible, just incredible. This doll is so sexy and sweet. She is everything I want in a woman. She is full sized, literally the size of a real-life woman, and so far, the novelty of having her in my bed, or sitting on my couch, has not worn off.

Cherrypiesexdoll.com: Is It Worth the Investment?

Yes, it is worth the investment. I cannot get over the fact that she is not real. She seems so realistic. Just sitting there, she fools me even though I bought her and I put her there. She’s so sweet and hot. This is my little ball of fire. I like to tell my girlfriends I’m into having a threesome and then I bring them home to this doll. Once in a while they freak out, but the ones who stay are keepers.